Tuesday, September 12, 2006

So I had surgery yesterday on my knee. Reconstructive surgery that will have me walking weird for about a month or so. I'm at my parents and I already am thinking about home. I don't know what it is about being here that drives me crazy. I don't know whether its because my dad is constantly saying stuff that is offensive and I don't have the self control to not say anything or if its just that I have got used to my freedom and my independence. Either way its not easy being here. My dad likes to watch redneck type television which is fine because I was just reading but he also likes to watch it with the volume up. I'm not able to move anywhere. So all I hear while I'm trying to read is "Yeeeeeee hawwww.....I told you Jawwhn. I told you. DIDN"T I TELL EM? DIDN'T I? I want to thank my lord and saviour Jesus Christ for helping me raise SOME HELL TODAY!"(slams mic down into dirt next to monster truck).
I'd like to at this time, if I may, talk about our scraggly haired neighbours to the south. You want to know why the United States of America is finally starting to head into the end of their golden age? Rednecks are finally into office. In fact, a redneck is their president. THE PRESIDENT! How? I dont' know. I mean this culture of piling cars on the front lawn and drinking piles of budweiser out of cans while watching nascar and collecting pogey has been made fun of over and over and over. The problem still exists. This culture really is a huge problem. They are uneducated, they put stickers on their trucks and cars that look like this

I sometimes can't believe that these flags are still flown.
I tried to find another great sticker I've seen on the back of trucks but the only pic I could find won't link up. Anyways its says something along the lines of "Support our troops wherever they go. No relief or help for the enemy no way."
What type of ignorant crap are people putting on their vehicles? Honestly the american dream has been shoved down so many retarded rednecks throats that they really do believe that they are the most civilized, the most edumacated, and the most powerful country on the planet. When is this country of dreamers going to wake up? I don't even know why I posted this but it was on my mind. Its probably come across as stupid and I'll delete it later. It was interuppted by a aching knee so my thoughts might of got mixed up.
Who cares right?

Thursday, September 07, 2006

I've been thinking a lot lately about how blessed I am to have such amazing friends and peers.
I can honestly say that I'm probably one of the luckiest humans alive when it comes to friends. The friends in my life are world changers. People with heart. I remember my one friends wife telling me that if one person puts his/her mind to it they can change the world. I, of course, argued with her. I was taking the realist view. She is a dreamer. How thankful am I that the same friends which dream and believe that change happens when one person takes a stand didn't leave me to my ignorance. Things in this world can be changed. It just takes good friends to show you that.
I have friends who are working to help people in Uganda, Malawi, Ivory Coast, Sri Lanka, Romania, China, Jordan, Haiti, and here in Canada. Risking their own comfort in this western myth for the sake of others.
Thanks to my friends. The ones who make me tick. Thanks for finding that crack in my shell and digging your fingers in to pull back the hard surface that had been keeping me captive.
True friends stand shoulder to shoulder, holding each other up and lifting our chins to see where we are headed.
Thanks to Ali, PMO, Paul, Marie, Joel, Matt, Adam, Brian, Pam, Bob, and Dave. You are and always will be the contractors in the Great Architects design for me.