Thursday, December 22, 2011

So I had a dream a few days ago.
I woke up and immediately looked for Something to write it down on.
After realizing my pen was dead I decided to just use my phone.
This was my dream.

I was in a meeting with a bunch of people
Who were part of something a long time ago.
Something significant that involved a movement of the Holy Spirit.
I wasn't part of that "something"
But I was invited to this meeting by my friend PMO
He was facilitating the meeting
Along with someone else.
I asked PMO if he was the leader of the movement that happened long ago.
He said "No, it was Leah"
I asked "Who is Leah?"
"Leah? You don't know who Leah is?
Leah is the girl who is facilitating with me tonight.
She used to be the heart and soul of the Meeting House."
Leah looked reluctant to be there.
As the meeting started I looked around to see who was there.
There was a lot of 35-50 year old people there.
Most of them I didn't recognize
But I did recognize 2 people in particular.
The first was Rev. Soko
The second person was Zaya Kuyena.
Zaya was way too young to of been part of the movement before.
As people started to pray and share where their heart was
Rev. Soko began to recite Psalm 23.
"...He makes me lie down in green pastures
He leads me by still waters
He restores my soul
He guides me along right paths
For His name sake
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I will fear no evil
For You are with me
Your rod and your staff
They comfort me."
When Rev. Soko recited the last line
I felt like it was important to mention that
The rod and staff of God aren't weapons
But tools of comfort and protection.
However, instead of saying anything
I doubted myself and who I was.
I felt like I was in a room with some serious spiritual giants.
Immediately the room started to shake violently
But nobody was hurt.
PMO stopped the meeting and turned to look directly at me.
He said "Why did you doubt who He has made you to be?
Even the room shook because of your doubt."
He turned to everyone else and continued
"There is a person who has a significant prophetic gift here
And that person is Brian."
And turning back to me he said
"Don't ever doubt who you are."
After PMO was done
A girl who was seated to his right stood up
She said "I don't know about this whole prophetic thing."
It seemed like she was speaking from pasts wounds.
She then turned and walked out of the room.
I tried to explain to her that I had doubts too
But PMO told me to not worry about it.
It seemed like, however, the girl doubting
Was a catalyst to the prayer ending.
Everyone still managed to hang out for a bit though.
I then realized where we were meeting.
The meeting was taking place in a business loft that was high up in a building.
I could see where we were from a distant view.
It is though I was seeing everything in the third person for a moment.
In a city of tall buildings we were the only unit that had a light on.
And the whole place was bright and lit up the buildings around it.
Zoom back in and I began to take notice of who was at the meeting
Bruxy had been there the whole time but was sitting off to the side.
It seemed like the business loft was actually a dj supply store during the day.
I said hi to Brux and started to talk to someone.
As I was talking to this person
Bruxy got up suddenly and walked over till he was behind me.
He pulled out a black sharpie marker and wrote something on the back of my shirt
It was a name of some sort.
He then patted it and said
"That's for you."
I don't know what it said.

Saturday, December 03, 2011