Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A Dream remembered

I had a dream quite a while ago.  It might be 7 years now.  I am writing this down now because I remember it like it was yesterday and maybe one day I won't.  It isn't a happy dream.

I had a friend in my dream
He was a good guy but quite shy and hesitant within my group of friends
I had a very strong sense of ownership over him though
I wanted him to feel loved and welcomed in community
Slowly he began to become more comfortable
He actually was quite funny and charismatic 
My friends loved him
In fact, they began to always want to hang with him more than me
I was fine with that
I was just happy he was part of the community

One day we were walking
and he told me that he needed to talk to me
He had a secret
I asked him what it was knowing in my heart
There was nothing he could say that would make me not be his friend
What he told me was odd
He was a manufactured robot
He didn't want to tell anyone because he thought he would be rejected
I told him that it didn't matter 
When he told our friends they only loved him more
"What an honest guy!" 
They would say

From there he began to be encouraged to step in to leadership
People wanted to put him on a pedestal
Slowly he began to agree with them
In fact he was convinced that he should run for mayor of our city
The city loved him
He was a shoe in for victory
The election came and sure enough he won
We were all very proud of him

We were sitting at the victory dinner when he took the stand 
It was time for his speech
As he rose to the stand
Something inside of me cried out in terror
I heard a ticking 
*tick* *tick* *tick*
What was it?
I wasn't sure but I know that I needed to get out of there
I left the room 
Headed up the side of the mountain to where my mother lived
Suddenly I saw a great big light at my back
As I turned I saw a giant explosion
Mushroom cloud and all
People began running away from the city as fast as they could
I grabbed my moms hand and we started to run up the hill
As the city melted away behind me

My friend had been made by the enemy
He was designed to gain the trust of community 
Rise to the place of leader
And set off a bomb when all eyes were on him
That would destroy the city and the lives of many

That is where my dream ended.  What does it mean?  I don't know but I remember it so clearly.