Friday, October 06, 2006

I turned 28 on the 4th of this month. Crazy. It seems like just a few years ago that I was playing basketball for my high school team or getting my license. And then even again it seems like yesterday that I was promoting concerts and attending hundreds of concerts every year.
Funny how years fly by. And its funny how I used to make fun of older guys holding on to their youth longer than what seems acceptable. I'm fortunate that I can look at my life now and see that I'm finally doing stuff that matters and is building the kingdom but sometimes I wonder what others feel about where their life is heading. I wonder if most people never sit back and ask themselves "what is this life really all about?" What is the purpose? There is so much hurt and pain in this world and so many people hate to see it but soooo many people are still convinced that life is about themselves and about chasing the dollar instead of standing shoulder to shoulder with others in our community and relieving debt, hurt, and lonliness. I hope that I never forget the pictures that make me smile and the simple things in life that involves nothing but time with each other.
On a different note I saw a picture today that best describes why going to concerts was so much fun.


At 11:56 am , Blogger p.bets said...

The funny thing abut age in our culture is that age is an un-avoidable reality but everyone is always trying to escape it. It is not easy and I have not even come close to it, but I hear that once you embrace it and look at it as a blessing, age is great. More responsibility more understanding and more ability to influence. But who knows how to do it, I am guessing it is different for everyone. Another issue with north american culture is that the culture itself does not cater to anyone over 25, it is a culture for teenagers. So once you hit that age, or some age near 25, you hit a crisis, you either see it a ridiculous and have to find creative ways to escape it(in the end any way of escape from our culture is a positive...but that is just my opinion)and then you are looked at as a terrorist. Or, you are addicted to it and try for the rest of your life to stay young so you don't have to feel disconnected. I think that is why people who are 65 - 70 - 80 years old are made of plastic, they want to stay in this immature culture that we call north american. But this is for a way longer conversation...HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRI!!!!


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